Service Number
13th Battalion A Coy East Yorkshire Regiment

Attested 18 November 1914 at City Hall Hull – Medal Index Card entered Egypt 29 December 1915 with 13th Battalion East Yorkshire Regiment – Entered Marseilles France 8 March 1916 – 13th Battalion East Yorkshire Regiment reported wounded and remained at duty 1 September1916 – East Yorkshire Regiment Posted wounded Snapper October 1916 – Reported Missing 13 November 1916 – Missing Casualty List Hull Daily News 09 January 1917 – East Yorkshire Regiment Posted wounded Snapper February 1917 – Reported Missing – Documents Available – Effects to mother and sole legasee Elizabeth A – Photo and Write up Hull Daily News 15 August 1917 – Photo and Write up Hull Daily News 14 December 1917 – Commemorated East Yorkshire Regiment War Memorial Beverley Minster East Yorkshire – Commemorated Holy Trinity Hull Golden Book – War Diary –

13th November 1916

The 1st wave, under command of Capt Laverack, had no difficulty in taking the German 1st line. The 2nd and 3rd waves went through without difficulty, but by the time the 2nd wave had got to the German 2nd line, the Battalion on our right had got into difficulties, owing to the state of the ground and machine gun fire. The 3rd wave took the Germans 3rd line but what happened after this is not certain, but about 50 men and probably one Officer, are known to have been taken prisoner. The Battalion on our right (2nd Suffolk Regiment) were back in their own front line by 7am. This left the right flank of our Battalion completely exposed and the Germans made at least 3 counter attacks. On our right there (sic) counter attacks were only partially successful, as certain parties were able to hold the German 2nd line until 2.0pm. After this these parties retired, to the German 1st line. The last men left the German 1st line at 8.45pm. From 9.45am to 6pm the Germans barraged all our lines and in particular Caber Trench, where Battalion HQ were situated. Owing to this barrage it was impossible to get either supplies or reinforcements over, though several attempts were made. The Battalion took over 200 prisoners, but a number of these escaped. In addition to the German Artillery barrage, they employed machine guns and snipers in sweeping our trenches and “no mans” land

How Died
Killed in Action
Commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial Pier & face C2 Somme France.
Next of Kin
4 Crofton Avenue Egton Street Hull
Date Died